Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hello world,

Lazy Sunday, good day to write some stuff in the blog. The past few days have been treating me pretty well. Thursday night we went out to a couple of local spots. There's this cool little dive bar called the "Tune In," which is right next to the Hawk n Dove. We went back and forth between them for a couple of hours, then went home for the night. I enjoyed it, but I've got to get off cap hill for a while next weekend. I've got some spots in mind and will hit them up asap.

Friday was good. We had our 10:30 class, and Doug brought some doughnuts. We didn't discuss a whole lot--just our internships and which book we'd like to do our project on. I think my top choice was a book called "What's the matter with Kansas." It's about why red-states vote Republican when the majority of their populous should be aligned with the whole "pro-middle class" platform of the Democrats. Hopefully it will provide some thoughtful insight.

After class I went to a meeting at work. The meeting was with all the interns and we had a Q and A session with a woman who has worked on/managed many different campaigns. It was an informative meeting. I think I need to work on a campaign, out in the field. It would be fun to "get my hands dirty" and get outside of the office environment. It's an experience I know I need to try out as soon as I can.

After the meeting I went and worked out/ran. I'm really happy I've got such a good gym to go to. It's really relaxing and helps me stay healthy.. Everyone is getting sick in the house except me (knock on wood). I think part of the reason is that I stay active through all the working out.

Saturday, we went to the Eastern Market, flea market, an Organic Market, and an AWESOME book store. The bookstore was exploding with thousands of old and random books. It was three, very compacted, stories--a basement, first floor, and second floor. They also had a bathroom--which was filled with books, of course. I'm definitely going back soon--it's one of those places you could just get lost in. The Eastern Market was also fun. All of the meat is from local, wholesome-ish farms. The produce was blegh, but not a lot is in season. I'll report back on the veggies in a couple of months. Overall, it's a really cool place and I would recommend it to anyone visiting DC.

Also on Saturday, I found out from Catherine that I am the "favorite intern" at my office. Haha, that made me pretty happy. I am one of only two interns in my dept, but I'll take what I can get! Good stuff.

I don't really know what I'm doing today. Maybe try to hit up Arlington National? The weather is starting to get a lot nicer--much better for sight seeing. Hopefully it will only keep getting better. I really want to see as much as I can.

Will write more soon


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