Sunday, August 1, 2010


A week from today, I turn 21 + 1. Hard to get excited about turning 22, it just ain't that bigguva deal. I don't get anymore sweet perks, and it symbolizes my slow progression into the "real world," which is somewhat dreadful due to the fact that I still lack a concrete plan.

However, rather than viewing this birthday as a dreary marker of aging, I will choose to see it as a celebration of the past year of my life. I accomplished quite a bit during my 21st year. I successfully completed my term as Fraternity President, made Dean's List, worked at the DNC in Washington, D.C., and had a great time as a camp counselor for one of the best outdoor camps in Texas. All these triumphs made me grow a lot as a person, and I will celebrate that for sure come this weekend. At the same time, I hope to make new goals for this next year. 21 was great, but there's no reason that 22 can't be even better. It's my senior year of college, so I've got to set the bar pretty high. No doubt, a lot of shit needs to get done. Plans need to be made and goals need to be accomplished.

I pretty much see my life as a struggle for self improvement, anyhow. It's kind of a pain in the ass, but it makes me tick. I'm disappointed I didn't have time or the assets necessary this summer to start learning Spanish. Also, I wish I could have had more time to work in politics these past few months. I did, however, pick up an instrument, have a great time at work, earn lots of $$$, and live in a big city all by myself (more or less).

Here's a list of things I'd like to work on starting now. The list will include everything from personal improvements to things I'd like to do and is open to amendments. Without further adieu:

Improve my writing (this blog has been frustrating)
Earn at least a 3.8 GPA
Improve organizational skills
Begin learning Spanish
Find a way to work in politics in some form/fashion
Still make time for leisure

I will think about these goals a lot in the next couple of weeks and how to go about accomplishing them. Undoubtedly, there will be additions to this list. I believe it's a good start for now. I've got a crazy week coming up; lots of tiring activities at camp, and then driving to Fort Worth on Friday.

Keep on keepin on
