Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today I said farewell to the soon to be Taiwan bound Tyler Rankin. The goodbye was strangely anti-climactic, not too different than any other goodbye we've ever shared. I think Tyler understands that good-byes are sometimes only as hard as you make them out to be. He didn't want a drawn out, overly emotional send off, and I don't blame him.

However, I could not help but reflect on our friendship at least a little bit. On the way home, I tried to think of the first time Tyler and I hung out as "friends." I couldn't think of a single moment or event. But, I will always remember my first year of college and how much Tyler helped me out as both an RA and friend.

Tyler and I have celebrated the good times and helped eachother through the not so good times. He's been a defining part of my college experience, and with his departure, I know that next year will just not be the same. Simultaneously, I feel as if my own time at Southwestern is coming to a close at a more personal, acute level than I did before.

Last night was one of the best ones of my summer. I went to Georgetown around 6 PM and met up with Cal. We then stopped by Truman Hunt's house, where he was setting up for his raging 21st birthday house-party. Truman is such a genuinely nice person, and I have missed him a lot. He told me that he "missed the shit" out of me and couldn't wait for the year to begin. Ditto, friend. Ditto. After a couple of hours over there, I went to Fish City Grill--where Matt bartends--to meet up with Tyler and Garret. We hung out there for a while, and then went back to Truman's, pre-partied, then drove (via a designated driver) to 6th street. After hitting up a couple of clubs, we went to my co-op party. By the time we got there, the beer was all gone. However, the party was still bumpin due to our clutch as hell swimming pool. Everyone was either gathered around it, or swimming in it. It's a liberating feeling to swan dive off a diving board in nothing but your skivies, in the middle of a raging party. Thanks Pearl Street for giving me that opportunity.

To close out the night, the four of us, along with my roommate Adam, got some food at Kerbey Lane. Looking back at the night, it all seems kind of like a dream. I hung out with so many different groups of people, in completely different settings, while doing different things. I can't say I've ever had a night like it in College.

So, I guess you could say that it was a proper send off for Tyler. And, it was a good experience for me as well. I was feeling a little down yesterday, but last night successfully reversed my spirits.

Sending off a friend
I contemplate my own path
Always embrace change.

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