Monday, July 12, 2010

good day mates,

Today, I feel like I need to write a little bit about my life inside the co-op. Like anything in life, there are pros and cons. Let's start with what I like most:

First, I enjoy the since of communal responsibility. Every week, there are 2 meetings where we discuss the happenings and logistics of the co-op. A good way to stay up to date on what is going on in your living space; this is perk is probably not available in your average apartment complex. Second, I really love the food situation. The food is almost always good (imho) and they even provide a vegetarian option at every meal. Third, I do enjoy my labor. It's a good way to spend time with people and cooperate to do something positive. Finally, I couldn't afford to live anywhere else. This is by far the most in expensive way to live in Austin. For about $1000, I get my rent, food, and utilities covered for the entire summer. Boom. Can't beat that.

Now, onto some of my difficulties...

First, I can't say that i've had the time, energy, or desire to socialize a whole bunch with my housemates. I've got a cool roommate, and we've made friends, and I consider myself to be acquaintances with some others. However, I just don't feel like I really "fit in" here, so to speak. I have plenty of excuses for this, and I think most of them are pretty valid. I work close to 40 hours a week, and most of socializing goes on with my friends at work (who are all my age). After that, I have my friends from SU that come around Austin and still live in G-Town. When I'm not hanging out with co-workers or SU friends, I'm probably with Ursula or seeing if I can spend time with my family. In short, I don't have a lot of time to hang out with my co-opers. Don't get me wrong, I do try. Last weekend I watched some world cup, hung out by the pool, and stopped by the party. But after a long day's work, nothing beats a night of eating, chilling and going to sleep early. That's just not the general routine of co-opers though.

Either way, it's only 1 month till I go back to SU and start up a whole different routine, with a whole new group of people. So, I better not get too comfortable (or uncomfortable). I've got a month left to enjoy Austin, and I plan on doing exactly that.

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